(A picture of the front portion of my school)
haha. yo! im back again! haha. so sorry, i have not been blogging for so long. hmmm. well, i DO have alot of stuff to blog, but since im kind of busy nowadays, i guess ill have to leave it for next time then!
Well, this week has been a rather busy week for me. i have been under stress since after the SYF presentation night at SCH, partially because of the incredible amounts of homework give, and at the same time the dates which my projects are due. man, school sure can make one's hair go white!
hmmm, but school can be pretty fun if you know how to appreciate it, and in the correct way as well. things such as our school's very own Racial Harmony Day, whereby students and teachers are both encouraged to come to school in their racial attire. haha. if i recall correctly, i saw an 'ang mo' teacher in the school wearing a Scottish attire, like kilts etc etc. haha, i was pretty amused at his appearance. oh wells, at least that appearance is nothing like the two guys who dressed up in Methodist Girls School and Singapore Chinese Girls School PE attire for Youth Day. haha.
(Clement acting blind, i mean, is he blind?)
haha. and that day, we had an indian friend, (i shall not address who), who dressed up in his indian attire and came to school. haha. well, we were laughing at him, not because he wore his indian attire, but because he was wearing sunglasses. it was a pretty amusing sight though. i mean, which part of an indian attire consists of sunglasses? none that i know of, only those actors in Bollywood movies do such things. XD
(Look at all the fruits on display, my, arent they LOVELY?)
haha, well, that day, i also went to the market with my dad to buy fruits. well, the area was pretty dark, so i decided to use flash to take photos of the fruits which caught my eye. it was seriously a bad decision. the flash went off in the market like 'POOF!', some flash bang like that. everyone stopped and looked at me, except for one old lady who was leaning on a table and sleeping. well, i was pretty embarrassed, but well, at least i had a nice photo taken, and that lightened up my day. XD
(My classmates doodling on the board about the latest release of Harry Potter. haha. man, they sure spoil the reading mood of some poor people like Naga)
and that brings me to my topic for today! haha. one of our first few periods of lesson was chemistry practical, and we were doing esterification. haha. man, i tell you, it sure stinks! haha. the carboxylic acid stank so much that we reeked of it when we entered the class. actually, i believe the smell was mixed up with the smell of the 'fruity, sweet smelling' ester, so well, at least it didnt smell THAT bad! haha. but people like Esmond were running around and shoving their beakers into other people's noses. man, his sure stank like crazy. it smelt like whiteboard marker gone BAD! T___T
oh wells, that aside, we didnt do anything much for today. but we ended school early to go to the Ford Factory at Bukit Timah (thank goodness its so near my house!). haha. and yea. it was a thrilling experience on the way there. people were yelling, shouting, and i can remember Shafiq summarising the whole Harry Potter book right in front of Nagarajan, who was frantically trying to finish his book. poor dude. XD
well, when we reached there, i saw my friends crowding around a history based stand regarding the surrender of the british to the japanese. but what made my friends laugh was that the Lieut. Gen Percival's name was spelled wrongly, and to think it is even open for public viewing! haha. man, imagine what would people think of the British if they saw that there. XD!
(walao John, why you dont want me to take photo of you playing Scissors, Paper, Stone with this dude here? siann... )
i took many photos, but if i were to display it all at one go on this one post, im afraid it would just be too big tat my whole blog will collapse. haha. so yep! you can ask me for the photos by adding me to your msn: inuyasha_cool_91@hotmail.com. haha. ill try my best to send them to you ASAP! XD
(The Class People!
Bottom left to right: the factory guide, John Yu, Naga a.k.a BucketBoy, Everett.
Top left to right: Shafiq, Navin, Prasad, Rajesh, Anthony, and Esmond)
haha. and yea, i took a so-called class photo in front of the Ford Factory. and that includes our guide for the day. haha. i feel kind of bad to not be paying much attention to her while she was explaining certain facts but well, i went off on my own photo shoot hunt. haha.
(Mr Andrew Wong and his Toyota Camry parked in the Ford Factory)
well, i guess majority of the class dismissed from there on the spot, and only like 10 persons took the bus back to school. haha. before leaving, i saw Mr Andrew Wong and his car, and decided to take a photo of him. i succeeded, but i wonder, did he catch me in my act???
Joke Of The Day:
if I remember correctly, i owe you guys one more joke from last time since i didnt blog a joke, so now, i shall tell a joke that is worth more than 2 jokes! this joke came from Mr Brian Ng from my last year class:
A father and child were living in poverty for a very long time. one day, they finally decided, hey! lets sell our only means of transportation, which was their donkey, and at least we have some money to live on before we die. they both agreed, and they set out on a journey to a famous market 3 villages away. the father told the son to ride on the donkey while he himself pulled the reins. they moved slowly but surely, and they reached the first village. when they both reached the village, the people there were displeased at such an act of behaviour. they told the son to go down, while the father rode on the donkey, as they consider this as a form of respect. so the father and son changed places and they proceeded on. next, they came to another village. the villages saw that, were unhappy as well. they told the father and son to change places as letting a son to pull the reins seemed like he was doing forced labour. the father complied and once again they switched places. finally, they reached the last village before the market. the villages saw the positions they were in and were displeased and they wanted the father on the donkey. this made the father and son very angry, and they decided to carry the donkey instead. while heading off toward the market, they had to cross a rope bridge. at that time, because of oncoming monsoon rains, the bridge was pretty shaky. the father and son made they way across the bridge slowly carrying the donkey. however, a gust of wind blew and shook so much that the father and son accidentally let go of the donkey and it fell into the river and drowned. so...
Morale of the Story?
Do not listen to other people's comments or you can kiss your ass goodbye! (ass is also the meaning of donkey, if you dont know, check wikipedia)
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