(Friday the Thirteenth - TODAY! *dramatic sound plays*)
hello! haha. i am back to write up more of the experiences which we felt in school today. XD. well.. as you all can guess, today is actually Friday the Thirteenth. pretty unlucky number isnt it?
well, i went to check up Friday 13th on Wikipedia, and this is what i got:
A Friday occurring on the 13th day of any month is considered to be a day of bad luck in English, German, Polish and Portuguese-speaking cultures around the globe. Similar superstitions exist in some other traditions. In Greece or Spain, for example, Tuesday the 13th takes the same role. The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia (a word that is derived from the concatenation of the Greek words Παρασκευή, δεκατρείς, and φοβία, meaning Friday, thirteen, and phobia respectively; alternative spellings include paraskevodekatriaphobia or paraskevidekatriaphobia) or friggatriskaidekaphobia, and is a specialized form of triskaidekaphobia, a phobia (fear) of the number thirteen.
-taken from en.Wikipedia.org
apparently, as i read the article from wikipedia, it seemed that this superstitious day was formed by many different events of that period in time, and not just a sudden occurance.
To me, i am not really THAT concerned about Friday the Thirteen. It is just a normal school day with plenty of work and fun, thats all. but i was pretty intrugued about what was going to happen today. honestly speaking, i expected something bad to happen even though i dont believe in this superstition. like for example, a bucket of ice cold water falling on our dear Esmond's head. haha. or something like that.

(A picture of me when i was in Kindergarten. Cute right?)
oh wells, that aside, i was wondering off to Marcus Island during one of the lessons in school today (shant tell you which one). and yep! the lesson was kinda boring. haha. and i was actually reflecting on my past, due to the devotion that was shared over the PA system in our school today. let me share it with you guys:
"...For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose..."
- Philippians 2:13
haha. it had significant impact on me as i was thinking: hmmm.. what have i been doing around with my life? have i been wandering off track for too long? how do i get back on track?
and it struck me when i was in my school old auditorium, during my Chinese O lvls Listening Comprehension briefing. i looked up, and lo and behold! ANOTHER BIBLE VERSE! it reads:
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight."
- Proverbs 3: 5-6
i was pretty shocked to have my answer so quickly that i did not notice the people around me imitating Mr Neo's nasal voice when he went onstage to give his briefing. not until some people around me started laughing.

i was being brought up in a methodist primary school, ACS(J). and yea! haha. it was a pretty fun filled year with many of us playing and fooling around. not to mention the many embarrassing times when i was found guilty of letting out German Gas in the class. whoo.. i tell you, that Shaun Ng sure sabo-ed me many times cos of that la. haha.
oh wells, the thought sure did struck me alot when i was sitting on my chair in class. what if one day we were to die all of a sudden, where will we go? well, its a good time to say this since it is Friday the Thirteenth. haha. will we go to a better place? or a lousier place? the choice is actually ours to make. choices have consequences as well. so if you were to make a choice, what will you make? will it be for the better? or the worse?
That aside, i had the latest news of "Life Of The Prasad". apparently he had changed his story a zillion times, but well, the latest one was:
'I am going to Watch Harry Potter Later'
- according to Mr Shoban, and the evidence was found on Prasad's msn nick
well, the story evolved through many stages, but i can vaguely recall some of them. they went like this;
Prasad said that the message intended to be sent to:
1) his auntie
2) his uncle
and after that, the story evolved alot more to:
1) a group of boys playing Pranks on him
2) a group of girls dunno what
haha. we simply had the laugh of our lives that day. haiz. prasad ah prasad, want to come up with a better lie do it in a better way la! sheesh.. T_T
well, apart from that, alot of many funny things happened. i believe the class had the laugh of the day when Ms Sie was pushing us for our CASL booklets. she said something like:
"I am SERIOUS about collecting the CASL books because my surname is SIE!"
goodness. that really made me want to take out my handphone and take a photo of her to put on this blog la. haha. it was so funny i guess it really lightened up the mood of the class.

(Hossan Leong and his video on Plagiarism)
sometime yesterday we were having a lecture for our EE next year. for those people who dont know what EE stands for, it is Extended Essay. we were watching a Hossan Leong Production about Plagiarism, and it really struck me that plagiarism is really a bad thing. haha. so you people out there, if you want to download my pictures, ask permission from me first ok? haha. my cbox is ALWAES free! XD
ok then. i guess ill be ending off here, till next time then!
Joke Of The Day:
i am so sorry, if i keep telling jokes ill run out of them. instead ill put up this comic page from Mr Kiasu:

be wary of your hygiene all of you peoples! XD. lest you fall sick on Friday 13th!
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