( Today, the 12th of July, shall be commemorated as Prasad Day!)
hello folks! im back again! haha. today we simply had the bst laugh of the week. we found out that our dear friend Prasad here (the picture at the bottom of this paragraph) had went out with his girlfriend to watch the latest Harry Potter movie! it was simply an unimaginable scenario as well, Prasad seemed like a person who is more concerned about his subjects than having.. hmmm.. affairs. XD. haha. we found out that he had an 'affair' when he accidentally sent a sms ,which was supposed to be sent to the girl, to Shoban. of all the people, he sent it to shoban. and to make things worse, he was teasing shoban of going to the female toilet to change during PE the day before, when we went to play water polo in the school's swimming pool. shoban was really happy and ecstatic today that he got his revenge on Prasad too. very good timing. i pity Prasad, but oh wells, just to spice things up a little here, i shall type out the sms he sent to his so called girlfriend, (most probably starts with S-H-O):
"Hope you enjoyed the movie as much as i did. i like your dress. hope to see you soon!"
Man.. the sentence was so cheesy that i almost wanted to vomit la. even I would not say that to a girl. its just too cheesy. haha. if i were him ill just send: hope to enjoy the movie, and hope to see you soon, and so NOT talk about her dress lol. haiz. i guess Prasad needs serious help in trying to impress a girl sheesh. T_T
Next thing of the day! our madam who teaches us Lang Arts A, was talking to us about some meeting of hers, and she was telling us that she mistook the title she gave for an English word. guess what word did she use for the meeting? she used VOYEUR! haha. at first i did not know what was the meaning of such a word. not till my good friend Esmond told me. thank god he studies French. if not ill be so dumb. haha. it actually means: a pervert who peeps into other people's windows. haha.. imagine what would have happened if that was the title of the meeting. man.. the senior admin will surely 'hantum' her la! to kena hantum or not to kena hantum. that is the question. haha.
-Giving in
-Spend more time together
-Better communication
-Learn to apologise to one another)
Well, that was basically most of the funny things that happened today. apart from having a Prasad Day, we also came up with a Prasad handsign. haha. and yep! im VERY sure we found today's PC lesson very meaningful right guys from 4.11? haha. it sure applied alot in the lives of both Prasad as well as others. today there were alot alot ALOT of hmm... homosexual acts committed in school. i shant go into further details but you know who you are.. haha.. XD. and oh YES! the FIGHT! *dramatic music plays* haha.. i shant mention who. XD. i guess we will be spreading it throughout the whole level. haha.. poor Prasad, i sympathise with him. haha.
Now, as i didnt blog yesterday, i shall tell you of what happened yesterday then! XD
(Bryan and Jenn Chong, as seen through my Sharingan eyes)
yea. yesterday during tuition, 4 of us, Bryan Tan, Jenn Chong, Ging Ting and I were eating Macs in our physics tuition. haha. we were given a break time. then i bought a Sundae. Xd was about to eat it when Bryan went:
AIYO! Marcus.. dont eat it.. it contained alot of chicken fat!
i, being cheeky, immediately went:
haha.. you are one yourself!
oh wells, i simply regretted what i did, but after that part, i went on by describing another L.O.B.A.N.G.ish fable, which went like this:
A Sundae a day, Makes you a BRYAN oneday!
haha.. it was simply such an irresistable joke that i had to say it out, if not ill die from fidgetting. haha. sorry Bryan, please dont flatten me in school tomorrow! XD
haha.. guess dats all i have to say for today! tune in next wek for more nonsense! XD. Marcus, signing off, Singapore...
Joke of the Day (Shadiq's joke): [only if you watch movies XD]
Who is Faster? Superman or Batman?
Superman.. because when Batman Begins, Superman Returns! XD
1 comment:
Hey Meh Meh... Pretty cool blog u got goin on and nice post for this Infamous "Prasad Day". Prasad, don't know what u did to deserve this but... all the best with whoever she is... Keep it going Marcus and oh yes... I especially liked ur dress.
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