lo! its been a very long time since i last blogged. my bad my bad. haha. but its partially due to the truckloads and truckloads of homework coming in, especially stuff like preparations for my IOC (Individual Oral Commentary) as well as my IHS (Introduction to Human Societies) essay. yea. all of which are simply turning my hair grey. haha.
speaking of which, i have lots of fun this week fooling around etc etc. well, there were many funny incidences that happened this week. firstly was the smell that was wafting around the school on monday and then tuesday.
On monday, there was this funny smell in the morning that was something like Chlorine, just that i doubt if it was poisonous. heh. my friend (not going to mention who. find out yourself!) said that it smelt like... hmmm... how should i put it in lame man's term.. oh yea. it smelt like white stuff. haha. you should get my drift! XD.
well, when i heard that, i was laughing quite loudly. heh. then the second day, surprise surprise! the air smelt of Milo. haha. i was pretty amazed and well, was pretty surprised. heh. i guess God must have been swimming yesterday, so some of the pool water seeped through the gates of Heaven, and on Tuesday he must have been drinking Milo. XD
oh wells, that aside, the week was pretty fun! XD. we had a 'blinking' incident in school whereby people were, well, blinking rather slowly. haha. i believe that would be a nicer way of phrasing "Nodding off to Dreamland'. haha. i just feel like doing that now as i type this blog lol XD!
well, on Friday we were dismissed from school at 1.30 pm. haha. thats because we have National Day Parade Rehearsal. haha. it was pretty fun to talk with all the ACJC people, especially since i know all the trumpet ACJC people. cracked jokes with them just to pass time. XD
(the ACJS Boys Brigade Marching pass!)
haha. and yea! when it came to the March Pass for the ACS(J) students, they were marching pretty cute as well. some were strolling, some were walking, and some were talking as they marched past the podium. haha. it was simply a funny sight! XD
(^Pictures of the Drama boys and Shafiq, Everett, and me! haha. thank you Alice for taking these picts! and yea.. you sure are good at di siao-ing people la zzz T___T )
well, today i went for my school's Drama Night concert. it was quite interesting. well, except for the last play. but i guess i cant comment much on it since i myself know that they put in alot of effort. so i guess i cant call them lousy. haha. XD. the best play for the day was Made In The Middle Kingdom. haha. i liked the play, especially when my friend errol stomped onto the stage. haha. really majestic and mighty looking. XD
and oh ya! anandraj was also pretty funny looking too. he said 'I AM THE... SUN GOD!' i was like.. hmm.. hmm.. HMMMM.. haha XD
well, guess dats all i have to say for today. ill be editing this post though, so do turn back sometimes to read this post. haha. im asking Errol for the script for his 'Made In The Middle Kingdom' haha. so at least i can include in all the respected words of the venerable old man that keeps speaking nonsense lol. haha. till next time! XD
Joke of the day: [thanks Esmond(i think)]
How many letters were left when ET left the world?
21. because ET left in a UFO, so 26 - 5 = 21!!! XD
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