( a photo of me edited.haha.i was pretty bored cos i just woke up)
hello dudes and dudesses! haha.. in case you dont know who I am, Im marcus low! haha... u seriously must be thinking: hmmm, this guy types like this, must be very noob one. haha. and you are right! this is actually my 1st time blogging, wanted to try it out since I saw my good friends taking blogging as a habit. haha.. his excuse to blog was:
1) bo liao
2) nothing else to do
well.. i think both are the same thing haha..
Ill be typing like maybe when I am free, or during public holidays like saturday or sunday. thanks to PM Lee, we now have a break! haha.. in case you guys are wondering, like if you are a stranger to me, im 15 years ++, and im in band! yep! ACSI band.. haha.. the one that got Top Band award. although I wasnt in the performance, I feel pretty happy for those main band-ers. haha.. I saw them work, and seriously, they worked EXTREMEY hard. haha.. ive got to give it to them for their perserverence. and also, its nothing without the conductor Dr Lee. coming to think of it, although he is like our band conductor, but somehow and somewhat I feel that he treats us like his little children. haha. he well, teaches us moral values, joke with us etc. I used to dislike him alot when I was young, like sec 1 or so, but now I feel like im beginning to appreciate him for what he has done for both the band and our individual lives (though at times I was sleeping with mi head on the mouthpiece of my trumpet). haha.
This term was started off with our school's IP symposium. it was pretty fun as we had to create a podcast, well, I asked for it. heh. the website is www.clickcaster.com/reducingcm and yep! haha. I made that website. was pretty happy about my achievement, considering that ive not had much computer knowledge apart from C++ programming which I did in sec 1, and I forgot everything about it. heh. the podcast was pretty funny too. we get to play around with our school's lab full of iMacs la! waaaa..it was like so shocking for me that the school had this large amout of iMacs. XD. It was pretty cool to mess around with the podcast equiptment, and we even heard familiar tunes from mrbrown on those podcast equiptment la!
To think i actually thought that Mr Brown knew how to operate the scratch disc at the starting portion of his podcast lol.haha.
I guess thats all i have to blog today! haha. I do have many other stories to tell, but if I tell them all in just one blog, well, ill have ran out of stories to blog! haha.. so Ill be telling stories at the same time as i blog, be it past or recent. XD. Till Next time! XD
By the way, if you want to add me on friendster, or msn, my email account is inuyasha_cool_91@hotmail.com. XD haha!
Joke of the day:
Why are Ns men all bald?
because NS equals to No Shampoo, so the NS men in NS no shampoo to wash hair, so cut botak lor! XD
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