Haha.. hello again! yep. and man.. ive so MUCH to talk about! haha. today happens to be my church's 21st Anniversary. haha. so happy.
Today we had our celebration. well, i was pretty much caught unaware of such a celebration. so the 'suaku' me, dressed super informally and found myself in the midst of people whom i know and were dressed formal. haha. i had to tell you, i only found a handful of people who were dressed in T- Shirts and berms like me. whoo.. i felt like an outcast..
(The dances in ACTION!)
Haha. and yea! the dancers who were dancing on stage today were pretty good. XD. including the small boy who was dancing along with the rest of the small cute little boy that was really trying his best to follow up to the rest of the team. haha. i tried taking a photo of the small boy i did not succeed. haiz. it seemed that when i zoomed in on the small boy, it got pixelated. i guess the boy wasnt meant to be taken. haiz. he was soooo cute la!
Haha.. so well, today was a pretty much a good day. man, i ate alot for lunch la. when i mean alot i mean ALOT! like my parents and i went to Lavender Food square, ate like a duck rice set, and then a pancake, those with the peanut fillings, as well as Kueh something, those that looked like a fried Char Siew Bun. whoo. and i finished off with a cup of Milo. haha. man. i tell you. i was literally PREGNANT with food la. T_T
Well, today was a pretty much good day. haha. except for the sermon part, when there were many new comers. i understand that that was their first time there, and their handphones went off during the service. i nearly blew my head off la! but well, i controlled my anger and i left the service. how foolish of me...
Haha. i guess there is a lesson and a first time to everything. if not i wont be in school since i 'know-it-all' ya? haha.
(My Bro singing lead for his rock concert XD go kor go!)
Yesterday was a pretty fun day. i am So sorry i forgot to blog yesterday. came home late after watching my brother's concert. yea. it was a pretty nice rock concert. haha. my bro was singing Bad Day. and well, it seriously ROCKS! (not because its a rock concert...)
and well, i REALLY REALLY enjoyed myself there. haha. the drummist was so cool, his drum set was even COOLER la! the bass drum was like only 10 cm wide and it seriously gave the 'mmph mmph' sound when beaten. haha. i was pretty amzed at the intricacy (wow.. my first chim word i have ever used) of it la!
well, the sky was a beautiful sight though, it was pure lapis lazuli colour. haha. bluey bluey! XD haha. and yea.. the church was called Church of the Good Shepherd. goodness. little did i know that that church was actually Elijah's church. i was walking along the corridor, when i thought i saw the siloutte figure of Elijah. he turned, and he was also looking at me straight in the eye. there was like a moment of pause in between us la. then i was like: hi elijah. i think he nearly fainted when he saw me la. he must be thinking: goodness.. what is meh meh doing in my church???
oh wells, guess thats all i have to blog for now, im still learning how to change my blog template. if any of you guys out there know how to do it, please do teach me! thanks!
Joke Of The Day [Thanks Kor for this joke!]:
What is the name of the building that used to be part of the Teletubbies kids show?
Singapore EX-PO!
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