Friday, February 8, 2008
Pushie Push!
Prasad? wads he doing there?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
(i believe uve heard of the word Mosaic, but have you heard of the word, POSIAC? *pronounced* posie-saac-ic)
What???Got Such Thing Meh???
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Racing small formula cars!
(small racing cars moving around a track at high speeds at IMM)
haha.. hey hey hey!! im back! haha.. mmmm.. its been a very long while since i last posted. im very sorry for that long long LONG delay. heh. actually, its cos i was busy trying to learn how to do up my blog page. yea.. so now ive roughly learnt HTML coding, its time to restart my blogging! heh.. well. this happened last year so yea. haha. bear with me. ill be blogging alot about what happened last year, yea, its piling up la. the stuff that i did. so yea! here goes...
*AHEM* well, i went to IMM to do abit of shopping with my parents last year. and yea. being a guy, i kinda hated doing grocery shopping (dont ask me! ask my parents. maybe they hated shopping at this time of age too) yea.. so i was playing around with my handphone, smsing people when i heard this irritating buzzing going on somewhere behind the shopping mall. i went to look and lo and behold! i found people still playing with tamiya cars! haha.. actually tamiya cars are quite fun. these cars are fitted with petrol to run faster la. yea. and it was pretty cool to see these cars buzzing around like angry bees liddat. haha. i wanted to go in for a closer look, but the guy said: " soli la.. karnot. we hafin rase. (sorry la, cannot. we having race)" haha.. i couldnt take it. i ran away and started laughing like mad. oh wells, my mum finally bought the groceries that she wanted, and she really seemed estatic about it. haha.. mmmm... thats all ill blog for this section ba. yep! stay tuned for more rubbish coming up! XD
Friday, August 10, 2007
Man.. ive not blogged for a very very VERY long time! XD
(my ex Horn section, how i will miss them so! and how come my face got squished?? i look like the Gatsby advertisement lol!)
haha.. so sorry for the long wait! im finally back whoo hoo! haha.. ive not been free for the past few days because i had to manage some admin stuff at home. haiz. it was pretty tiring for me ba. especially that i had IOC! oh goodness. IOC, Individual Oral Commentory. 8 minutes of terror. i tell you. my knees were knocking so hard that others would think that i was feeling cold rather than feeling nervous lol!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Long Awaited Post! *edited!
(the marching by the Primary sch scouts! or should i say walking?)
haha. forgive me if there arent many pictures being uploaded. somehow my computer cannot upload that many pictures. not too sure why either. heh. i guess ill have to end here for the time being, until i can upload more pictures than i can continue editing this blog. till next time! XD